
Every fitness journey consists of ups and downs, progress and setbacks, and triumphs and challenges. One common obstacle faced by both beginners and seasoned athletes alike is the dreaded training plateau, whereby progress seems to stall or diminish. At Onekeelo, our mission is to empower you to overcome these hurdles by offering access to an unparalleled directory of highly skilled fitness coaches, personal trainers, and customised workout programs. In our new blog, "Overcoming Training Plateaus: Strategies to Keep Your Fitness Journey on Track," we will explore the possible causes of fitness plateaus and share practical methods to help you break through these barriers and revitalise your workout routine.

A fitness plateau often materialises when our bodies become accustomed to a specific exercise regimen, resulting in a decrease in progress, motivation, and performance. In this insightful blog, we will delve into the science behind training plateaus and examine the factors that may contribute to these frustrating stagnations, including overtraining, insufficient variation in your routine, and inadequate recovery between sessions.

Join us on this transformative exploration of strategising, reflecting, and adapting to overcome training plateaus, as we arm you with valuable tips and knowledge to create a more dynamic and progressive workout experience. Together with Onekeelo, let us navigate the peaks and valleys of the fitness landscape with resilience, determination, and gusto, as we conquer stagnation and rejuvenate our passion for personal growth and self-improvement.


Recognising the Signs of a Training Plateau

Before we can tackle a training plateau, it's crucial to identify the signs that indicate you've reached one. These indicators can help you recognise when it's time to re-evaluate your workout routine:

  1. Stagnant progress: Despite consistent training, your strength gains, weight loss, or endurance improvements have plateaued, and progress has become non-existent or minimal.
  2. Decreased motivation: Your enthusiasm and commitment to your workouts have diminished, resulting in decreased performance or skipped sessions.
  3. Chronic fatigue: You persistently feel exhausted and drained, even after a period of rest or lighter workouts.


Reassessing and Realigning Your Fitness Goals

Once you've identified a training plateau, your next step will be to reassess and realign your fitness goals. This process can facilitate a renewed sense of purpose and direction:

  1. Review your current goals: Reflect on your initial objectives and consider whether they are still relevant, achievable and measurable. If not, modify your goals to align with your current fitness level and aspirations.
  2. Set short-term benchmarks: Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable milestones to maintain motivation and track progress more effectively.
  3. Seek professional guidance: Consult a Onekeelo fitness coach or personal trainer for expert advice on adjusting your workout routine and goal-setting to overcome your plateau.


The Importance of Variation and Periodisation

Incorporating variation and periodisation into your workout plan is vital for overcoming a training plateau. These changes can help stimulate new muscle growth and prevent stagnation:

  1. Variation: Introduce new exercises, training modalities, or intensity levels to challenge your body and ignite adaptation. For instance, if you're accustomed to weightlifting, incorporate bodyweight exercises, or experiment with high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  2. Periodisation: Structure your training program into distinct phases, each focusing on specific fitness components such as endurance, strength, or flexibility. This systematic approach enables you to target different aspects of your fitness, maintain motivation, and prevent overtraining.
  3. Progressive overload: Gradually increase the challenge of your workouts by adjusting variables such as intensity, volume and frequency, ensuring constant progress without overtaxing your body.


Boosting Progress through Recovery and Nutrition

Focusing on recovery and nutrition can significantly impact breaking through a training plateau:

  1. Prioritise rest and recovery: Allocating sufficient time for rest days and incorporating active recovery sessions allow your muscles to recover and rebuild, preventing overtraining that contributes to plateaus.
  2. Address post-workout nutrition: Consuming an appropriate balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in your post-workout meal can promote muscle recovery, replenish energy stores, and accelerate progress.
  3. Consider supplemental support: Discuss with a fitness professional whether appropriate supplements, such as protein powders or branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), may improve recovery and support your training goals.



Training plateaus are an inevitable aspect of the fitness journey, but overcoming them is possible with careful reflection, strategic adaptation, and expert guidance. By recognising the signs of a plateau, reassessing your goals, and implementing variation and periodisation, you can revitalise your workout routine and reignite your progress. Prioritising recovery and proper nutrition can further support your efforts to break through stagnation and achieve your fitness ambitions.

With Onekeelo's extensive directory of knowledgeable fitness coaches and personal trainers, you can access unparalleled expertise tailored to your unique objectives and needs. By partnering with a Onekeelo professional, you'll receive the guidance, motivation, and customised workout plans you need to conquer training plateaus and make continuous strides in your fitness journey. Embrace the support and expertise offered by a fitness coach in Perth, and transform the challenge of plateaus into an opportunity for personal growth and renewed determination.