high intensity interval training HIIT

At Onekeelo, we strive to bring the best of the fitness world directly to you. We understand that fitness is not a one-size-fits-all equation, and as such, we are committed to providing diverse workout modalities to cater to your individual needs and preferences. Among the myriad of workout styles, one that stands out for its effectiveness and time efficiency is High-Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT.

HIIT is a style of exercise that alternates between short, intense bursts of physical activity and brief recovery periods. Studies show that it's an efficient way to boost cardiovascular fitness, build lean muscle, and effectively burn fat. Our latest blog post, "Mastering Interval Training: A Comprehensive Guide to HIIT," aims to unlock the various benefits of this workout approach, highlighting how you can integrate it into your fitness plan and make the most of every session.

Whether you are a beginner exploring new workout routines or a seasoned gym-goer wanting to amp up the intensity, HIIT can present an optimal solution. This type of training is known to be adaptable, allowing it to be tailored to different fitness levels and goals.

Through our extensive database at Onekeelo, comprising of dedicated fitness coaches and personal trainers, we will guide you on your journey into the world of interval training. We will help you understand its mechanics, learn the secrets to effective and safe HIIT workouts, and reveal how it can transform your workout results.

So, if you're keen on revamping your fitness routine enhancing your athletic performance, losing weight, or just getting the most out of a time-efficient workout then stick with us. Let's jump into the heart-thumping, adrenaline-surging world of High-Intensity Interval Training and take your fitness journey to new heights. Let the countdown begin! 3...2...1...HIIT it!


The Science Behind HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training has gained popularity thanks to its unmatched efficiency, which is backed by a wealth of scientific research. In essence, HIIT workouts push your body to its limits during the intense intervals, fully engaging fast-twitch muscle fibres and prompting the body to consume more oxygen than during steady-state cardio. This shortfall in oxygen allows you to enter a state called "excess post-exercise oxygen consumption" (EPOC), which expedites calorie burning long after your workout.

Additionally, HIIT workouts have been proven to support cardiovascular health, increase lean muscle mass, improve insulin sensitivity, and promote weight loss in a time-efficient manner. Due to all these benefits, HIIT is fast becoming the go-to workout method among fitness enthusiasts and athletes aiming to maximise their limited gym time.


HIIT Workout Structure

The key to a successful HIIT workout lies in its specific structure. While variations may exist, a typical HIIT workout follows this format:


Engage in 5-10 minutes of light aerobic activity to prepare your body for the intense workout.

High-intensity intervals:

Perform an exercise at maximal effort for a specific period or reps, typically around 20-60 seconds.

Recovery intervals:

Engage in lower-intensity exercises or rest for a brief period, usually 20-60 seconds.


Continue alternating between high-intensity and recovery intervals for 15-30 minutes.


Spend 5-10 minutes stretching and performing light movements to bring your heart rate down and prevent injury.


Various HIIT Exercises for Every Fitness Level

One of the major perks of HIIT is its adaptability, making it an ideal workout choice for individuals of all fitness levels. Here are some HIIT exercises, categorised by difficulty:


  • Walking lunges with alternating knee-low-intensity jogs
  • Squat to overhead press with light dumbbells alternating with march in place
  • Modified mountain climbers (on knees) alternating with wall push-ups


  • Jumping jacks alternating with squat pulses
  • High knees running in place alternating with plank hold
  • Plyometric lunges alternating with push-ups


  • Burpees with push-ups alternating with sprinter sit-ups
  • Tuck jumps alternating with bicycle crunches
  • Double-unders (jump rope) alternating with tricep dips


Regardless of your fitness level, ensure that you maintain proper form throughout each workout to avoid injury.


Maximising Your HIIT Results: Tips and Tricks


To get the most out of your HIIT workouts, follow these essential tips:

Progress slowly: Gradually increase the length, intensity, and complexity of your HIIT workouts, allowing your body to adjust to the increased demands.

Prioritise recovery: Ensure adequate recovery time between HIIT sessions by incorporating at least one rest day or engaging in low-intensity workouts to prevent overtraining.

Hydrate and fuel your body: Proper hydration and nutrition are crucial for optimal performance and recovery. Consume a balanced diet rich in nutrients and carbohydrates, and remember to replace lost fluids by drinking water throughout the day.

Mix it up: To avoid plateaus and keep things exciting, change up your HIIT workouts regularly, experimenting with different exercises and training modalities.

Safety first: Always warm up before starting your HIIT workout and cool down after it to prevent injuries. Lastly, practice proper technique and listen to your body to avoid pushing yourself too hard.


Take the HIIT Plunge with Onekeelo

High-Intensity Interval Training undoubtedly packs a powerful punch when it comes to maximising your fitness results in minimal time. With its flexible nature and countless benefits, it's no wonder HIIT has garnered the respect of fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

By being mindful of your workout structure, utilising our exercise suggestions, and following the tips provided, you can confidently incorporate HIIT into your fitness routine. If you need further guidance or support, Onekeelo's extensive directory of personal trainers and fitness coaches can connect you with experts who can help tailor your HIIT workouts to cater to your goals.

So, are you ready to take the HIIT plunge? For a dynamic, challenging, and effective workout, High-Intensity Interval Training with Onekeelo could be the solution you've been searching for. Check out our HIIT personal workout programs, and sign up today!